Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wasting my time

I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE WASTE MY TIME!!! I just spent 20 minutes waiting on someone here (at work) that never showed up. Not only did they not show up, or call, or any other polite thing, they were only 4 doors down from me. They were in a meeting with a professor. The professor was the head of the vocal dept. and the wrangler of accompanying, so I'm pretty sure that she would've understood if they needed to take just a second and walk four doors down to tell me that they wouldn't be there. It really pisses me off. It's my time.

I'll freely admit that I waste a lot of time. But you know what? It's MINE to waste...not someone else's. I guess that might make me hypocritical or something, but I don't really care. It angers me. i just feel like that if there is an easy way for someone to let me know they won't be there (like walking around the corner and knocking on my door), they should do it. It doesn't even require a call or an e-mail.

That all said, I need to go because I am wasting time. I have a preject to begin presenting today at 2:10 and I need to just go over the things that I have typed out to say (you know, so I won't sound like an idiot!).


Courtney said...

EW...that wouldv'e pissed me off too. I will apologize for them, even though I don't know them and will most likely never make their acquaintence.

edhigg said...

Blogging is never wasted time.

Anonymous said...

post please.

Courtney said...

ditto apc

About Me

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I moved to Nashville to start (another) grad school. It's scary, but it's also cool because my best friend and I are finally in grad school together...delayed, but it happened.