First off let me just say that the title of this blog was meant for Courtney and Amanda and with negative connotations, but I can't help but think of Guys and Dolls when I read it. If you don't know what I'm talking, it wouldn't make sense to explain. Hopefully a few of you out there are as crazy as I am with musicals and songs. If my brother is reading this, I hope that at least HE understands what I mean (drop me a comment on here if you do).
Now on to the real post...
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot..." Eccl. 3:1-2
So it is time for me to uproot again. I just found and put the deposit down on an apartment in Jefferson City yesterday. Amanda needed to get ready for grad school and desparately needed to take a part time job. Since our apartment is, ahem, just a bit pricey, it would have really put a strain on her wallet to live here. Since I am working in Jefferson City and wanted to take a partial break from UT next semester (only piano and one class), the obvious choice for me would be move near CN. We talked about it and talked to our parents about it and all agreed that it was the most logical step for each of us to move. So I am moving to an apartment within walking distance to CN (I'm so excited about that!!!) and Amanda is moving home until she knows where she is going to grad school next year.
I'm not going to put up a front about's definitely bittersweet for me. I've enjoyed living with Amanda. We have, like everyone, had some moments that weren't pleasant, but by vast majority it's been really great. She's my best friend...and more than that, she's really like a sister that I got the privilege of choosing. I'll miss her a lot. We'll only be 20 minutes apart, but it'll never quite be the same. It's life...nothing is ever the same once you leave it. The worst part is that I'll be living alone. I technically had an apartment by myself back in Fall 2001 through the end of Summer 2002, but that time was when I was dating Chris and he was there pretty much all the time. So I have never really and truly been totally alone, and I will be when I get there. I don't really know people in Jeff City now. I know facutly that was there when I was and I know my students, but I don't know people my age at all...everyone I knew is long gone now. For those of you who don't know, I have suffered through some depression in the past and reamin medicated for it, so it will be something I'll definitely have to pay attention to through all of the change.
All that said, there are some definite good things about it too. Amanda will get to spend some quality time with her family which is great and needed. We'll still be close so hopefully we'll still see each other sense of humor and brain may not be complete without her weekly input! :) I'll be so close to work and almost as close to UT as my apartment is now...and that's really exciting to me. Also, being alone isn't necessarily a bad thing...just something I'm not used to. It will probably be very good for me to have to learn all about myself and how to deal with myself. I think that when others are around you always have the luxury of focusing on something else. You can go to whoever is around and talk to them about it or just distract your attention away from it. I would obviously rather have a roommate, but it's time for me to grow up for a while. Being alone will definitely force me to really evaluate myself and hopefully get my focus and priorities in line. I hope that I will grow closer to God and also spend some more time with my family too since I'll be much closer. So, there are definitely some really good things about the move...I'm sure it will take a little time to adjust, but I think that it will be good for me.
Other than that, things are still basically the same. This week is Hell week for me...paper due in Song Lit, quiz in Diction, juries at CN on Thursday, a Choral Society performance all day at Cumberland County Playhouse and MY jury at UT on Friday (if I can get it at a time when I'm in town), and juries for my singers at UT on Saturday. Fortunately after this week is over, I am finished and will have some downtime. So if I survive this week, I'm golden...then it'll be cleaning, packing, cleaning some more, and moving. So that's been my life in a nutshell since my last post...oh yeah, and I am not good at dieting but I'm still working on beating it! :) Maybe that's something I can really focus on when I move too...or maybe I'll be so busy moving that wieght will just drop right off! :)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
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- Nicole
- I moved to Nashville to start (another) grad school. It's scary, but it's also cool because my best friend and I are finally in grad school together...delayed, but it happened.